Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I revise my earlier posting. The right coffee shop is the best place in the world for a writer.

I found the place I mentioned in the last entry, the one on the intersection I was trying not to get killed at. This time, instead of glancing at the stores on my right, I glanced at the ones on my left. There it was! Parking was plentiful and free, and I went in.

Not only was this place like my old haunts, it was better, because it was quiet. The few patrons, even the social ones, were quiet. The tea was yummy. They even had healthy chocolate chip cookies.

Just one concern, and that is that the place is new. The clerk told me it's just eight months old, and business has been slow owing to construction on Main Street and the fact that it's summer break for the University of New England. I'm thinking of offering services as a freelancer to produce some copy. The place is just half an hour away from my house. I need it to stay open!


Blogger Mary Louisa said...

But did the cookies taste good????

13/7/05 7:18 PM  
Blogger Ronn McCarrick said...

Healthy cookies and a good place to write. What more could you ask for.

13/7/05 9:04 PM  
Blogger Meg said...

Where is it, in Portland? Sounds heavenly!

You're right about the distractions in restaurants/coffee shops. Last time I was able to write anything was when Weeks was open -- I'd go in and order pancakes, and sit and write pages and pages. It wasn't the quietest place in the world, but the noise level was down to a low roar. Haven't found that right combination of Busy Hum and Atmosphere anywhere else around here.

14/7/05 4:53 AM  
Blogger Christa M. Miller said...

ML. ALL chocolate chip cookies taste good. ;)

I will grant you that some taste better than others. These were dense, which made them chewy. I suspect it was because they were nondairy and contained whole wheat flour.

But they were chocolate chip cookies. Does it matter that much?

14/7/05 9:06 AM  

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